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Milner, Alabama

Alabama Milner was one of fourteen children born to Henry Milner. Her mother, Mary J. Milner, was Henry’s third wife. Alabama studied photography at the Southern School of Photography in McMinnville, Tennessee, under the teaching of William “Dad” Lively, a world-renowned photographer. Alabama worked as a clerk, bookkeeper, and photographer at Tressler’s Photography Studio in Montgomery, Alabama, from 1903 until 1914. She moved to Albuquerque with her brother Algernon Milner in 1918. Both worked as photographers for William Walton’s studio. Algernon bought the studio in 1919, but left town by 1920, giving the business to Alabama. She ran the photography studio at 202 West Central Avenue until her retirement in 1955. She died in Albuquerque on December 12, 1959 and was buried in Sunset Memorial Park in Albuquerque.

Alabama Milner’s Chronicle of Early 20th Century Albuquerque

Collection of Works