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John Nichols, Lowrider Summer, Max-Carlos Martinez

Air Date Saturday August 24 at 4pm on 5.1


Timeless, loving… The Milagro Beanfield War captured hearts around the world through mixing culture, social justice and humor. Author John Nichols shares his inspiration for the story.

“The Milagro Beanfield War is about a little struggle over water in a taxation district, right? To exploit the water in Northern New Mexico. It’s basically infinity in a grain of sand.”


Beautiful low rider cars on parade, poetry, and family are highlighted in the fantastic “Lowrider Summer” event that took place at Santa Fe’s plaza.

“When a lowrider passes by it just seems like it’s floating across the road.”


Inspired by his New Mexican ancestry, Santa Fe artist Max Carlos Martinez paints a history of cultural assimilation in America.

“Who are we as American, who am I as a Chicano, who am I as a Hispanic, who am I as a New Mexican?”