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The Line: Funding The Education “Moonshot”

February 22, 2019 – The Legislature has been working on proposals to fund K-12 public schools in light of a district court decision that said the state has been underfunding schools for years. The judge has given a deadline of April 15 to come up with a plan that meets all mandates. While lawmakers are drafting a state budget for the next fiscal year that puts close to $500 million dollars into public education, advocates say the budget still falls short.  How much money is enough? And should the focus be the changes that need to be made, before figuring out the price tag? Gene Grant and the Line panelists voice their opinions on the education proposals and whether the April 15 deadline can realistically be met.

Line Panelists:
Dan Foley, former House minority whip
Tom Garrity, the Garrity Group PR
Stephanie Maez, executive director of ProgressNow New Mexico
Giovanna Rossi, president, Collective Action Strategies; host, “The Well Woman Show” (KUNM)


For Further Reading:

Plaintiffs in historic suit cite new court filing to back up their money demands –  by Trip Jennings, New Mexico In Depth

Advocates in education lawsuit say lawmakers’ budget falls short  – by Robert Nott, Santa Fe New Mexican

Advocates critique budget, education process  –  by Trip Jennings, New Mexico In Depth

Impact Aid back on school funding agenda – by Shelby Perea, The Albuquerque Journal