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Developmental Disabilities Wellness Checks in NM

The new mexico department of health logo on a blue background.

4.28.23 – The Line Opinion Panel discusses a new report alleging dozens of instances of abuse and neglect by developmental disability caretakers. Gene asks if the state’s system for investigating those claims stands up.  Host: Gene Grant  Line Opinion Panelists: Cathryn McGill, founder, director, NM Black Leadership Council  Sophie Martin, attorney  Dan Boyd, capitol bureau chief, Albuquerque Journal  For…

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UNM Study Hopes to Break the Cycle of Dependency Using MDMA-Assisted Therapy

A man is sitting in a chair talking to another man.

4.21.23 – Opioid addiction has destroyed lives and families across the country and here in New Mexico. UNM Health Sciences has been treating expectant mothers who are addicted through its Milagro Program. The goal is to break the cycle of dependency, but Dr. Larry Leeman, the program’s medical director, says methadone and buprenorphine treatments aren’t…

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