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Sunshine Week, Rep. Nate Gentry and Miranda Viscoli from New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence

Host Gene Grant leads debate on some of the top stories this week with our Line opinion panelists. They discuss changes in oversight for UNMH, tax credits for big businesses and what the AP learned when reporters requested email from top elected officials in New Mexico.

Did you know this week is national Sunshine Week? Last year, the Foundation for Open Government filed a lawsuit against the New Mexico Department of Health to challenge the department’s policy of keeping information about medical marijuana producers and applicants secret. The DOH recently reversed that policy before the lawsuit went to court. Producer Sarah Gustavus sits down this week with Peter St. Cyr and Kip Purcell to talk about the issue and why they sought more transparency in the program.

Governor Martinez has now signed or vetoed legislation passed by lawmakers in 2016. Sarah Gustavus sits down with Rep. Nate Gentry and Miranda Viscoli from New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence to talk about HB 336. That legislation was signed by the governor and will allow the state to create a criminal records database that will more thoroughly track court records. The legislation also brings the state into compliance with federal law and the federal background check system that is used to screen people during gun purchases.

Peter St. Cyr, contributing writer to the Santa Fe Reporter
Kip Purcell, attorney with Rodey Law Firm

Representative Nate Gentry
Miranda Viscoli, New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence

Eric Griego, former New Mexico state senator
Tom Garrity, Garrity Group PR
Laura Sanchez-Rivét, attorney at Cuddy & McCarthy, LLP
Mary T. Torres, attorney at Law Offices of Mary T. Torres

Sarah Gustavus

Gene Grant

The Producer of NEW MEXICO IN FOCUS is Sarah Gustavus. Associate Producer is Kathy Wimmer. Funding for this program was provided in part by the McCune Foundation Communications Fund, Santa Fe Community Foundation.

Episode 937 airs March 18, 2016 at 7:00pm on Ch.5.1