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Manny, Tim and the Problems with Public Campaign Financing

July 23, 2021 – The Line panelists discuss the challenges around public financing of political campaigns, as demonstrated in the current Albuquerque mayor’s race, where challenger Manny Gonzales has been denied public money due to forged signatures and other documents. Should the presence of some non-matching signatures disqualify potentially thousands of other valid ones? 

Host: Gene Grant 

Line Guests: 
Inez Russell Gomez, editorial page editor, Santa Fe New Mexican 
Serge Martinez, UNM Law School  
Diane Snyder, former state senator 

For More Information: 

Gonzales public financing appeal denied by hearing officer – Albuquerque Journal 

Albuquerque hearing officer denies Sheriff Gonzales’ appeal for public financing KOB4 


This segment is part of our #YourNMGov project, in collaboration with KUNM radio. Support for public media provided by the Thornburg Foundation.