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A Fistful of Dollars

A variety of U.S. dollar bills serve as a backdrop for wooden blocks spelling out the word "VOTE.

So, the most expensive race in New Mexico this election season is…between two Democrats for the job of Bernalillo County district attorney? That’s right: Appointed incumbent Sam Bregman and challenger Damon Martinez have raised a combined sum north of $700,000 to accuse one another over the airwaves and in our mailboxes of not being tough enough on crime as they ask for votes.  

The amount of money is interesting enough, but my friends Danielle Prokop and Patrick Lohmann, reporters at Source New Mexico, found something more important as they dug into the race: Voters know significantly more about Bregman’s personal finances and potential conflicts than they do about Martinez’s. 

And that’s perfectly fine under New Mexico law. 

Lohmann and Prokop joined me on this week’s episode of New Mexico in Focus, and I encourage you to watch our conversation to learn more about this important election transparency issue. But before you do that, read their excellent story, published at Source under the headline, “The blind spot in the state’s most expensive election so far this year.”

-Jeff Proctor, Executive Producer